You Are Going To Be Ok.
God will divinely shield you as he always has, God will divinely protect you as he always has, God will divinely find a way to provide for you as he always has. Don't capitulate under pressure to the Devil. I heard a guy say the other day that he is going to have to take the Mark, because they ar...
Taliban forces take Kabul, Afghanistan
I always question when the mainstream media demonizing someone or a group of people. The MainStream Media is the Devil and literally is working for Satan. So how could Satan point out something bad or evil? This is just a regime change nothing more, nothing less and obviously those who have rose ...
End of the World 2028 & the Rapture
Can you not discern the times we are living in? When it rains does the weather Man know the exact TIME, the EXACT HOUR AND SECOND, that rain fall will land? No, but he does know the SEASON:
“But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. For you ...
So 1619-2019 is 400 years. We lived all 2019 the 400th year. Then all of a sudden once the 400 years was over in 2020 the WORLD CHANGED FOREVER….
“And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not their’s, and shall serve them; and they shall afflic...
Haitian President Assassinated, Two Americans Arrested
Two Americans Arrested in Haitian President Assassination. What is going on here? What are the odds of this World Leader being against the current agenda and magically being assassinated?
"And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over ...
Bill Cosby Freed as Court Overturns His Sex Assault Conviction
Bill Cosby Freed as Court Overturns His Sex Assault Conviction
46 shot, 7 killed over violent weekend in Chicago
46 people were shot in 36 separate shooting incidents with 7 homicides over a violent weekend in Chicago. Gun violence rates have remained very high in the city after a violent 2020. Where is the outrage from the Black Lives Matter folks? Shouldn't we all be just as angry, if not even more angry ...
Another Police Shooting
Whenever I see a viral video of yet another Police Shootings I ask what is the agenda, why is the mainstream media and social media giants promoting this. I mean we should all know by now that they are not for the people, so why do they allow it to go viral, they have the ability to suppress any ...
Kamala Harris picked as Joe Bidens' VP running mate
I've gotten a lot of questions lately about Kamala picked as Joe Bidens' running mate. I decided to do a Q&A to answer some of them, yet not in my words as I would in the past, but this time in the words of the Most High God.
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